
Station-1 Cody Squad 2 (772)

Cody Squad 2 is a Ford F-350. 772 is designed for quick response to Emergency Medical Calls / Motor Vehicle Accidents.

Station-1 Cody Tanker 1 (751)

2012 International Load Star Quick Dump. 751 is designed to carry 2,000 Gallons of water to a Non-Hydranted area of the Fire District.

Station-1 Engine 1 (741)

Engine 1 is a 2001 Spartan. 741 is designed to carry 1,000 Gallons of water and to carry 6 Firefighters. 741 also has a 2,000 GPM Pump that will help in Fire Suppression

Station-1 Spartan Gladiator (721)

2018 Spartan Gladiator. 721 Carries 750 gallons of water and 20 gallons of foam to a fire scene along with 6 personnel. 712 also carries our Extrication Tools to a Motor Vehicle Accident.

Station-2 Rescue Pumper 1 (711)

2008 Spartan Gladiator. 711 Carries 500 gallons of water to a fire scene along with 6 personel. 711 also carries our Extrication Tools to a Motor Vehicle Accident.

Station-2 Squad 1 (771)

2005 Ford F-550. 771 is designed to rapidly respond to an Emergency Medical Call / Motor Vehicle Accident with the ability to extricate entrapped persons. 771 also carries our Brush Fire Unit. Our brush fire unit carries 300 gallons of water along with Forestry Hose to supress the necessary fire’s.

The members of the Cody Volunteer Fire Department are proud to announce a new piece of apparatus in the fleet. We introduce to you 7WR1. This piece of equipment was funded 100% through gracious donations and fundraising funds.

Here are some of Cody’s past apparatus