The Cody Volunteer Fire Department consists of your local neighbors and friends who donate generously their time to help protect you and your family. Each year these same men and women volunteer their time to hold fundraising events to purchase much needed and out dated tools and equipment needed to do their jobs.
The members of the Cody V.F.D felt it was very important for you all to know that all tools and equipment purchased from our fundraising events are donated to the Cody Fire District board of Fire Commissioners who over see your fire tax dollars and this allows the fire commissioners to keep your fire tax rate one of the lowest in Oswego County as they do not have to use budgeted tax dollars to purchase this equipment. We are proud of our progress and we will continue to work as a team to keep costs low and still provide the best service possible to you.
The photo above is of some of the tools purchased with last year’s fund raising money and so far this year we have recently purchased a $7000.00 thermal imaging camera, a very valuable tool needed in the fire service.
Your donation will help offset the high costs of providing fire, rescue and emergenct medical services to the people of our community.
Please send donations to:
Cody V.F.D
P.O. Box 334
Fulton, NY 13069
Or scan the QR code below

Thank you for your continued support,
The proud members of the Cody V.F.D.